Thursday 5 July 2012

The Journey continues

So many things have happened since the last update on this blog. Politically, socially and economically things have changed, but the question is: has it changed for the better? Many people seem to be carried away with developments of the recent days which has obscured their rationality on issues. I fear for this since it will re-invent the 'Yes Sir' syndrome and take the country back to its old days. 

I will muse over these latest developments in the coming days and try to analyse and see them from another vintage position.

I hope to keep this blog active once more.

Monday 23 January 2012

Unmask the perpetrator of women undressing

Lately good news has been in short supply in this country. Fuel and forex scarcity has ceased to be newsworthy whilst people are dumbfounded and dont know what to do with some of the effects of the shortage of the two. Stories from the hospitals are not good to the ear as ambulances are unable to move patients due to lack of fuel; ESCOM on the other hand seems not inspiring hope of a Malawi with power all day as it is supposed to be. Then as we ponder over these and many more issues, the nation is bombarded with a new phenomina of 'men' undressing women supposedly not well dressed.
I wouldnt want to go into the legallity of each dressing since the progressive constitution of this country provides for such freedom of dressing. My interest is on why would somebody in his normal frame of mind just decide to demean our women like that? Several theories are being peddled on what could be the root cause of all this madness. It has been argued that the current economic hardships in the country could be one of the causes of this issue whilst others have theorised that it could have been political.
I hold a view that anybody is free to challenge. With drug shortage in hospitals and accompanyng stories due to the economic downturn in the country one could have thought of triggering something that could divert peoples attention from the real issues for some days. However this, to me , has boomeranged and as it has made people to quickly rise and condemn the act promptly.
Another point of interest is the way Presidential aides have handled this whole scenario. The President was slow to come out to condemn the act and when he did, he seemed to have outdated information. How could the President call on Human Rights defenders to come out and condem the act when in fact they were the first to do just like that. This shows that the Presidential media team is not abreast with what is happening and advise the President accordingly. On a serious issue like this one, we did not need to be hit with history of women empowerment but rather brief and up to the mark address on the barbaric act and way forward lest peole dont take Presidential addresses seriously. Next time, let the Presidential media team advise the big Kahuna when to speak to the nation. Check for prime time not just anytime. 15hrs during the day is not prime time.